Saturday, October 1, 2011

Arquebuse tree

An infrared photo of a tree in the Arquebuse botanical garden in Dijon, France.

Dion - 10/01/11

Print available at:


  1. Whoa. I feel like that is for realsies what the trees here are going to look like when it starts to snow...

  2. OH MY GOSH, Aileen, I just now realized that this was YOU! I just thought I had some random blog reader in Canada.

    +1 for being able to recognize new profile pic

    Ironically enough, an IR photo of this same tree with snow on it would look nothing like this...

  3. Sweeeeeeeeeet. I love adding confusion to the universe. Makes me feel like I've accomplished something for the day :)

    That can be your mission this year. Take a photo of the same tree again with snow on it.
