Wednesday, February 29, 2012

French Alps

It's been quite a while since I've felt like bringing the camera out... or since I've had anything to take a picture of, for that matter.

Sunset on the French Alps, as seen from Grenoble

Grenoble - 02/29/12 (leap year photo!)

Print available at:


  1. I was waiting for another 1,000. Truly stunning. I sent an art piece to your side of the earth, but I am worried that France lost it in transit, as Iowa City and Seattle had some issues. I suppose there is only so much one can stuff in an envelope.

    1. Thanks for the nice comment!

      No, I totally got it... the glass piece with the letter, right? I sent a response letter, but I'm guessing it hasn't arrived yet.

    2. Nice. I sent a monster piece to my aunt in Seattle and they held it for postage. I also sent a letter to my sister in Iowa, sans verre, and they sent it back because the extra pages made the envelope too fat. I am trying to fund the US postal service and they won't have it! I'm glad the note arrived. Look forward to hearing from you.
