Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Streets

The streets of downtown Dijon in their festive Christmas illumination.

Dijon - 12/05/11

Print available at:


  1. Great shot! So much to look at. Love the translucent bus, vibrant colors, & camera angle. What are you shooting with? I have a Nikon N75 SLR Auto-focus that I love, but it takes film, which means cash-money. I'd like to get a digital and have been looking at the Nikon D7000. It is worth more than my car, but I do have a couple of lenses already, which would decrease some of the cost. I don't care so much for the video properties, but I do want high-speed fps capabilities for continuous shooting.

  2. Thanks! I had a lot of fun trying to get this shot.

    I'm shooting with a D70, which has served me well for the past several years, and still continues to take great photos. I've been looking at the D7000 myself for a while (primarily for the low noise and dual memory card function), and it will probably be the first gift to myself after I land a job...

    If you're interested in getting into digital, I can highly recommend the D70 to get a feel for it. The nice thing is that it has an internal motor, so it will auto-focus lenses you have that don't have motors (many of the current Nikons won't even do that). Also, used bodies can be found for a very low price, and can be resold with negligible loss if you choose to upgrade later.
